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Fix Out-Of-Tune Keys

Have you ever had your piano tuned and shortly thereafter one or two particular keys go totally out of tune? Well, join the club! It isn’t your fault or that of your tuner, but rather the condition that some of your tuning pins are not firmly anchored. Meanwhile, you are sitting there wondering if you are going to endure this out-of-tune key until you get your piano tuned again…
Help is on the way:

This special program is available to discerning piano owners/players and includes the following:


-A Master Certified Piano Technician will spend 30 to 60 minutes with you to teach you how to correct this problem. Believe it or not, hearing can be taught! 
-This will prolong the well-tempered tuning of your piano by months. 
-You will receive your own tuning hammer and mutes needed for the private instruction workshop! 
-You will not know how to tune a piano after the session, but you will learn how to eliminate annoying out-of-tune spots on your instrument instantly.
-Acceptance based on availability.  Price $120.00


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